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Seeing the Sky: The Art of Natal Chart Delineation

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Seeing may be the most important tool of the exacting astrologer. When we see with clarity we are with the sky, with the dance of the spheres, and the play of light and dark. The chart will dance.

In the last many years there has been an explosion of information and discourse on astrology full of delineation, tenets, and techniques. Occasionally we are presented with a precise approach for delineation drawn from this school or that. I adore it all. It is, however, only opinion.

What is very rare is instruction that establishes a method of seeing. For this I am indebted to the cartomancer, teacher, and scholar Camelia Elias. Her methods are seeing are the sharpest around and she is one of the major muses of my course. Equally, the work of astrologers Michael Ofek, Benjamin Dykes, Demetra George, John Frawley, and Geoffrey Cornelius have been very influential in my concept of seeing as applied to astrology.

We will begin with a strong focus on the metaphysics and methodology of seeing and a condensed review of foundational astrology concepts and competencies. As the devil is in the details, we advance by cultivating nuance through positionality and alliance, motion and stillness, light and darkness, curvature and ray. My goal is to reach that sweet spot where you understand the dance within the nativity, what is afoot among the stars, what is foretold within the sky.

Course fee: £75 (GBP), $99 (USD).

Course delivery: Taught over four weeks. Registration will close Thursday, January 14th 11:00pm (GMT). Our first session will be live via Zoom Saturday, January 15th from 7:00-9:00pm (GMT). You will receive a video with materials via email each following Tuesday by 5:00pm (GMT), beginning with Tuesday, January 19th, with a live session via Zoom to be held on the following Saturday. All sessions live session will be recorded and distributed to participants. Our final live session will be on Saturday, February 6th from 7:00-9:00pm (GMT).